Partnerships for Progress

Elevating Medical Providers

Running a successful association is all about delivering more.

membership value

Continuing education is one way to attract and retain members. But CE has focused traditionally on clinical and technical skills. What’s missing are the business skills that keep providers in business.



Are you helping your members
do business better?


You’re forging essential partnerships with other professionals, acupuncturists, chiropractors, neurologists, orthopedists, pain management physicians, physical therapists and surgeons among them. Collaboration is the future of PI healthcare.


Are you helping your members create those opportunities?



You’re promoting and defending the interests of the profession and your members. Pushing for fair reimbursements and better patient protections, and helping them comply with new government regulations is part of the job. It requires leadership.


Are you helping your members
be their own best advocates?


We can make more…Easier. 

Let's Partner!

Why Personal Injury?

  1. Personal injury is often the public’s first connection with a variety of medical specialties involved in treating such injuries. It’s a chance to introduce them to yours.
  2. Personal injury is an ideal opportunity to be part of the patient’s multidisciplinary healthcare team. It’s also an opportunity to transition patients from short-term injury recovery to long-term wellness care.
  3. Personal injury can pay better than cash or insurance – even in a recession. If done right, it can become the provider’s most profitable business segment.



Medical providers have rarely been taught how to run a medical practice or a PI segment. And it’s shortchanging their financial future.

We can help fix that. 

Let's Partner!

Why PI Made Easy?

PI Made Easy is an education, coaching, training and mentoring company. During the past decade, we’ve helped hundreds of providers win millions in higher recoveries in thousands of personal injury cases.

The reason for that success is simple.  We skip theory.  We deliver real life.

Our programming is based on more than 30 years of hands-on experience in:

• Personal injury litigation

• Medical lien law

• Contract development and negotiations

• Dispute resolution and risk management

• Business management and operational efficiency


Whatever your members’ specialties, we can help them do business better in PI.

Event discounts for your association members.

How to Spot – and Stop – Attorney & Provider Fouls

It may feel like the personal injury game is rigged against medical providers. It isn’t.

The real problem is the legal and ethical fouls committed by attorneys, patients, insurers – and, yes, providers themselves.

PI could be your members’ most profitable business segment. We’ll show them how.

Host: Michael Coates


  • Andrew Morris
  • Alan Nesbit
  • PI law firm insider

How to Spot – and Stop – Attorney & Provider Fouls


A 4-hour online intensive

Saturday, April 15, 2023

10 am PST/1 pm EST

Did you know

Virtually every medical provider must comply with the No Surprises Act’s strict regulatory mandates regarding balance billing and surprise medical bills. Yet, less than 20% of them understand how significantly the NSA affects their medical practices. And even fewer – 10% – are compliant with the law.

Violating the NSA can be expensive:
• A patient dispute process that can wipe out the provider’s entire bill
• Misuse and abuse of the law by some patients and attorneys
• Government fines of up to $10,000

NSA noncompliance is a cost your members most likely can’t afford. But the NSA is also an opportunity they can’t afford to miss.

Now On-Demand

Violating the No Surprises Act (NSA) can be a big mistake. But complying with it the right way can yield big results.

This four-hour boot camp will teach your members about both. Partner with us for member discounts to webinars and workshops.

Put our experience to work for you. 

Let's Partner!

The Benefits of Partnership

Here’s how PI Made Easy makes more, easier.

  • Customized virtual educational programming, including deep-dive webinars, workshops, and boot camps focusing on key issues like the NSA
  • Turn-key marketing tools and resources
  • Educational content for your association’s member publications
  • Continuing education presentations at conferences and annual meetings
  • “Ask Mike Anything” online Q&As featuring top-tier experts

Helping you. 

Helping your members.

When your members succeed, you succeed

Here’s what a successful partnership looks like for your members

  • They’re running a more profitable practice despite rising healthcare costs and shrinking reimbursements
  • They’re easily out-negotiating PI attorneys who fight for a living
  • They’re treating more patients with even better patient outcomes
  • They have the tools and training to pursue new growth opportunities, including PI and the No Surprises Act
  • They’re smarter about protecting and enforcing their legal rights

Meet Michael Coates

Michael Coates is a national authority on medical lien law and lien recovery and negotiations, and a recognized speaker, author, innovator, advocate, coach, instructor and mentor.

He teaches, coaches, and trains medical providers in all specialties on how to build a “Power Practice” with proven processes, profitable payment systems, and accelerated growth strategies.

Earlier in his career, Michael was a business coach and, before that, a civil litigation partner in a large national law firm. His previous experience includes insurance defense/personal injury, medical malpractice defense litigation, contract formation and litigation, risk transfer and avoidance, and business and financial services litigation at several firms.

In 2020, the California Chiropractic Association (CalChiro) named PI Made Easy its Affiliate of the Year.

Association Partners

  • Independent Physical Therapists of California (iPT): Payment: What We Can Do!
  • Florida Chiropractic Association (FCA) The National 2022: The No Surprises Act
    and Billing LBP X-rays – Update from Florida Blue (CE course)
  • Florida Chiropractic Association (FCA) South East 2022 – The No Surprises Act
    and Billing LBP X-rays – Update from Florida Blue (CE course)
  • California Chiropractic Association (CalChiro) – Presenter: Statewide medical
    lien recovery workshop series, annual conference CE classes, PI Task Force
    certification program
  • ChiroHealthUSA – Presenter: Medical lien recovery issues, “The Ethics of
    Personal Injury” and “Bullet-proofing Your Medical Lien” seminars
  • Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (F4CP) – Presenter: “The Ethics of
    Personal Injury” seminar
  • Chiropractic College Guest Lecturer – Undergraduate course presentations
    (personal injury and medical liens) at Southern California University of Health
    Sciences and Palmer Chiropractic
Are they an Analyst, Accommodator, or Assertive?

Knowing is a major factor in successful negotiations. Download the training tip “Knowing Your Law Firm Negotiation Counterpart,” one of the topics we cover in our Negotiations Aikido training workshop.